Sunday, February 11, 2007

Getting the blockage out...

There are times when a girl just has to get her head out of her ass, and get stuff done. Been overwhelmed by ennui lately, and need to overcome.

First step, give the relatives my fucking new address. I have been a very bad girl. Only one person outside of the group who helped us move knows where the hell I live. And my mother is getting sadder by the day. Girls who make their mothers sad are destined to go to hell. It's in writing somewhere, and no doubt I signed the contract.

Second step, get coffee to kill the nasty headache I woke up with- slept in too late and didn't dose at the proper time. It hurts. It will go away, though.

Third step, unpack some more shit. Sort and throw away at least a third of it. Because there is only so much crap that needs to be carried around from house to house across the blasted country. I am finding cleaning supplies from our apartment in Tempe, for Christ's sake! That was 9 years ago. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Fourth step, give Kboy a haircut. He looks like a beatnik. He calls it the preliminary BeeGee stage. If his hair gets any longer, it gets puffy and very wavy. Looks kind of girly. He hates it. I think it's cute as hell, but get vetoed every time. Doesn't help that we're exactly the same height, etc. and get mistaken for lesbians from a distance when he gets shaggy hair. It has happened more than once. Probably inflicts more damage on the boy than he cares to admit.

Fifth step, continue to finish the stack of half-read books that I found in a box. There were exactly five of them, making this the appropriate step. I finished one yesterday. Am diligently working on another. Not that I didn't enjoy them. They just got replaced by something more pressing at the time- usually from the library, with a deadline attached. Now I need to finish and move on.

Sixth step, get more coffee...All right, that's much better.

Seventh step- start killing off the list of crap that needs to be done around the house. I emailed it to myself last week. Because it was bugging me and I could forget about it once I mailed it off. Now to dig it out and do something.

I don't feel like overloading the circuitry (like the computer talk???) and listing any more things. This is sufficient.

Going to go finish my coffee and then cut some hair. And call the relatives and give them address aplenty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know your address, but I had to bribe you with the promise to send things to you to get it. I felt so...*sniff*, unloved? *sniff, sniff*.....