Monday, February 12, 2007

Bootsbaby has a headache

And it's not going away any time soon.

And Kboy just lost his job. No shit.

Good thing there are prospects on the immediate horizon, and that he saw the blow coming. Just sucks though. The entire business closed shop, down the crapper. What kills me a little bit inside is that I spent 2 years there too. Blood of my blood, in a way. We all tried very hard. And saying goodbye is harder than I thought the second time around.

There you have it. Monday in hell. Welcome. Just take your shoes off at the door- we have beige carpets.

I believe that hell is all beige. Because beige isn't a real color.


Anonymous said...

If Beige is the color of hell, why is everything at Mom and Dad's beige? Hmm...

Good to talk to you today. I hope your prescriptions and sleeps helped you feel good.

Sending happy thoughts your way in a little imaginary envelope:)

Hearts and Puppies

Anonymous said...

That blows.

Anonymous said...

oh, i'm so sorry sly.
and beige IS hell; and that made me laugh...and you don't know how important that was just now; because you don't know what shithell is happening over on the east coast.
ah, my life...
it will never end
(too soon).
good vibes coming your way and K-boy's. It's about time I reciprocated with that, don't you think?

slyboots2 said...

Yeah- thanks all. It is really rough- those people all of them are wonderful, and don't deserve the lumps that are coming down. And Kboy will be ok- he did see it coming and all- it was just a bit quicker than expected. He's working on it. Because he must. But in the meantime, he will play a little- because he should. He has earned it.

Sean- give the boy a call, it would cheer him up. He gave a shout out to the other refugees of his work last night- it helped.

Andrea- as always, you are wonderful!

Lx- keep the faith, and be sure to embrace color. Whether literally or figuratively. And I mean it. Makes all the difference. Do not succumb to the numbness of beige. It'll kill you faster than the gin.

Anonymous said...

Everything will kill me faster than the gin.