Saturday, December 30, 2006

Weighing in

I am troubled by what I see as undue haste to kill Sadam. Basically what I see it as an indicator of more than anything else is the fragility of the government. That they needed to kill him before he was liberated by someone and put back in power. I just am mystified how a court appeal could be resolved in less than a week. And that the US court was even consulted. It just was such a foregone conclusion, despite W's pronouncement of a "fair" trial. There was no such thing in this instance. Never would be. Never could be.

I would argue that it was akin to Nurenburg in that way- we all know how it's going to turn out. Crimes against humanity demand that kind of satisfaction. Fair or not. And I'm certainly not an apologist for the Nazis, or for Sadam. Bastards all, who well deserved their end. I'm just troubled by the haste of the Sadam thing. It seemed very, well, fourth down drop back and punt.

I'll be interested to see if it forms any basis for stability there. Maybe knocking some of the wind out of the sails of his former supporters. Or it could be the lit match that will cause an essssplosion.

There. Now I have added my voice to something that no one needed me to discuss.


(S)wine said...

that's because Americans aren't used to speed when it comes to letigious matters. remember how fast they shot Ceausescu and his lovely fuck of a wife back in '89? No? Here's a quick rundown: they caught him, drove him around in a tank for 2 days, put him on trial which lasted 1 day, condemned him to the firing squad, and was taken out and shot--the entire thing from capture to death lasted about 4 days. Now that's efficiency, mon ami.

In the end, this won't mean anything; not even in the annals of history. fucking people. we've been chopping one another's heads off for millenia. business as usual.

slyboots2 said...

Yeah- not used to the speed at all. Seems kind of ...well...speedy. I just can't help but smell a touch of desperation- like they've killed him off before he could become a figurehead again. But it could be because I expect the whole bloody thing to break apart any day now. And he still had his supporters. Makes me wonder if there are plenty of them over there who looked at the "good old days" of full-time electrical power, stability, repression, and overall well, stability with nostalgia. And what they were willing to do to get it all back.

But then out with the old. And in with the new. Just like the song- "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss..."Cue up Pete Townsend.

Effeciency and cost effectiveness. Quick, clean and I suppose to some quite satisfying. And we all gotta go someday anyway, no?