Thursday, December 14, 2006

We interrupt the Decologue

To bring you a weather report.

It's fuck all wet out.

They are predicting 60+ mph winds tonight, with a high likelihood of power outages.

It took 2 hours to get home.

Thank you.

Back to our regularly scheduled programming, already in progress.

Fuck it- I'm gonna go throw Ricky Bobby on the DVD player, drink a beer and go to bed. Because it's the ladylike thing to do.


Anonymous said...

yea yea, yous guys are in the news.
i'll blow some of this sunny, high 60s weather your way.
check this: i actually played tennis to-day.
december fucking 14th!
love me some global warming.
El Charo, 'cause the Blogger isn't taking my log-in info.

Bwana said...

Is your bed floating downstream yet? And have you seen those guys on the Mountain? Everybody asked me to ask you. You're closer.

slyboots2 said...

We have power. And friends without power staying at the house. Until they have power. Some of the siding blew off of the house.

Work was closed yesterday. There was no power. I did some stuff via the battery in the computer- whilst squatting in a corner office with windows- my brief and illusional moment of glory. Then I drove home- 17 miles in 2 hours. Via idiotville intersection.

All in all it's exciting. I saw a guy at the store buying Duraflame logs and ice. Like it's fucking subzero hereabouts. Like I said, idiotville. Pass the duchy on left, old boy.

(S)wine said...

...and don't pass me by. Power is always good news.