Thursday, February 16, 2006

How'd it go?

I dunno. Just dunno. Was very quick- I just can't interpret the whole thing. Didn't have enough face time to really figure much out.

I'm supposed to find out "quickly". Now how they interpret quickly and how I interpret it hopefully are similar.

Went to work for a half day. More drama. Got one of the team members getting uppity. She's decided that she wants to take me down a notch. Silly girl. Doesn't know that she's up against a pro. And that I can see her petty nonsense from miles away. She totally telegraphs her moves. And I can head them off with little effort, all while keeping the smile on my face, and being as friendly to her as I was the day we met. She blanket sprayed the area with petty, but it really didn't last long. Then she pouted the rest of the afternoon. And I was perfectly content to let her. You just can't please some people. That's all I'm sayin.


cb said...

This is actually J. and I wanted to let you know that they operate on speed there--hence all the free soda and pharamceuticals in the kitchens everywhere! They are not official, just speedy. they probably will make a decision really fast--and i bet you knocked em out, in a good way!

bedmonster said...

I hope you have good luck, too, and that quickly actually means quickly.

Today's your last day!

Jacob said...

Quick, huh? That could be good. Just not a lot of time to get to know you. And you're so good to know! Gambatte kudasai!

Anonymous said...

Nar nar nar nar narrrrr. Blar fa nar nenar. Marmemarmarmamrnarnar, nar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!

Love Andrea

slyboots2 said...

Hm. Interpreting that is kinda tough. Maybe a few more actual words, and fewer vowells, my dear.