Friday, February 17, 2006

Good with the bad

Well. I thought that I was over the whole crappy job thing. But it seems our contract has been extended another 2 weeks. ARRRRGGGGG!!!!!

Now we get to inventory the really difficult and specialty stuff. No more easy stuff for us. We're now pros. If I can keep the other two from killing eachother, it shouldn't be too horrible. But that will be an extreme challenge. I am hoping against hope that I will hear from the empire first, and be able to opt out. The inventory superiors know about the interview and possible jumping ship, so it isn't like I'll go to hell for abandoning the grand project. Then I can start re-growing the skin on my hands too. I scrape the hell out of them every day.

Now for something that I enjoyed. All week there has been a funny conversation on Slate about the Lympics. I thought that this paragraph was deeelightful.

Plushenko seems to split the difference with a Jekyll-and-Hyde approach. He looks quite comfortable making those huge spinning leaps, but then between his jumps he puts on an awkward "passion" mask and starts flitting his hands about, arching his back, and lowering his eyelids in rapture. It feels false and weirdly divorced from the world of sport. Imagine the half-pipe snowboarders pausing midway down their run, performing a series of half-assed, overwrought dance moves (replete with jazz hands), and then resuming their shredtastic tricks. This will never happen, with good reason.

This is why I love Slate. I want to work there. But they are in DC, and I don't want to live there. It just sums up the whole thing about figure skating that I think is particularly perplexing. Gay or not? You decide, because they just don't seem to be able to.

No news yet from the empire. The weekend approaches... I have Monday off, so maybe the call will come then...bated breath...(or is it merely belated breath?)

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