Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Be out for a while. I'll try and report in from the trenches, but am not sure what kind of drugs I'll be on exactly. If my hands feel like oven mits, I won't type. If my arm ends up on the cutting room floor, I certainly won't write. But...I'll give it a try in a couple of days.

Think at least one happy thought, eat a cookie, pet a puppy, smile at a child in the checkout line, and be a decent person. That's all I ask in my absence.

If all else fails, just have a good beer. Or glass of wine. That would suffice.


Anonymous said...

roger wilco; will do.
if they chop it off, hold a pencil firmly in between your teeF and go slowly when you time so's you don't swallow the goddamned thing.
and get well soon!

Anonymous said...

...when you TYPE, that is.

Anonymous said...

just wanted to let you know that i created a pdf of that MSG list and included a link at the start of it, for ease of printing if you can use it. take care

zombieswan said...

Feel well, have some soup, and liquor if the meds allow it. Just think, this time next year, your shoulder will be all healed and you'll barely remember the week ahead of you. :)

When you're really grumpy, just think of this. For half a second, my eyes saw "eat a puppy" and I thought, wow, she's really grumpy today. :)

Off to search for just the right puppy. What wine goes with puppy?