Monday, October 15, 2007

Fox stands behind my right ear. He smells bad. Combination of rotted meat, dirty fur, and strangely enough dried, crumbled dead leaves. (on the dirty ground)

He nudges me with his wet nose from time to time when he wants me to pay particular attention to something. It's kind of annoying, really.

He whispers to me about things. Never very good advice- more visceral than that. More like the devil on one shoulder. Without the benefit of an angel on the other.

Fox has an empty stare and biting teeth.

Fox is not my friend.

Fox is not my enemy.

Fox just is.


(S)wine said...

fox is fair and balanced.

zombieswan said...

According to a folklore book I once read, when it is raining and the sun is shining at the same time, two foxes are getting married. Random bit of Cliff Clavin for you.

And swine, not a damn one of ya'll media types are actually fair OR balanced. Least of all balanced. UNbalanced is the word of the millenium. :) And yes, I still lump you in with those media types. Unfair of me. I know. :)

I don't watch any news anymore, but some of my favorite recorded DVR shows are Fox-y.

slyboots2 said...

So funny that you guys would take it in that direction. I love seeing where people run with things that I think are rather obscure.

I like foxes. They remind me of doggish kitties.