Friday, September 05, 2008

And about politics- I got nuthin. Didn't watch anything but the Colbert Report and Jon Stewart- and those were delayed by a day. Just couldn't care either way. Just couldn't muster up the anger, enthusiasm and basic interest. It all just seems the same. I think that the venom that I held during the last election broke me. I didn't like feeling so angry and unhappy. I hated feeling that helpless. And I hated the outcome even more, and couldn't understand how it happened. So something just kind of broke. Can't care.

But that's not to say that I won't vote. I have voted in every election since 1984. Because it meant something tangible to me- I couldn't wait for the chance. I remember in first grade choosing a presidential candidate- sadly it was Nixon. But I got better. I remember my parents debating the Ford/Carter race. I was on the Carter side. I won't divulge which parent chose whom, but those in the know can pretty much call it- it was predictable.

And now I am just saddened by a lot of it. I think that most of the people who want to run the country are pretty much losers. They are trying so bloody hard to take charge, and they really lack the essential humanity to pull it off properly. Yes, I include almost all of the wannabes here. Almost all. There is just such a sense of white-knuckled desperation involved. Like their lives are forfeit if they lose. No, you just lose. And the world forgets about you. And you get to be a footnote. Ah, remember Adlai? No? Wiki it and get back to me later with that. I'll expect a full accounting. So maybe that really is what they fear. Being inconsequential and forgotten. It'll happen anyway. It always does.


kim wells said...

you said: "I think that most of the people who want to run the country are pretty much losers"

Oh so do I agree. I think maybe wanting to be elected should preclude you from being allowed to be. We get so many megalomaniacs and all of the "states(wo)man-like qualities are just gone.

Maybe we could do it by lottery, or something. Like: jury duty.
I can see it now:
"Ah, crap. I just got a Vice President duty summons. I gotta serve 6 months unless I can figure out a good excuse...."

:) I've been watching a little because I'm really interested in the superficial changes (a woman, a black man). But for the most part, I just don't like politicians. I'd rather watch True Blood, or Bones, or Entourage. When does the new HBO season start, anyway?!

Anonymous said...

some of us remember Adlai.
when i run, that'll be my slogan: "Remember Adlai!"

politics has permeated this household (as it often does; i can't help it, i'm still keeping an eye on all the cockroaches...guess it's in the blood or something). but the last week has been so upsetting to my better half, that she's come down w/a nasty cold/sinus thing.

in the end, though, we pretty much all lose.

i'm so happy this hurricane/storm is blowing by tonight; i've got enough booze supplies and new reading material to last me through it and Ike.

Oh and that reminds me: "We Like Ike" how's about that for a shitty slogan.

slyboots2 said...

I am glad that Adlai has a few folks out there to remember him, and the Maine- to hell with Spain. Makes his whole running for President thing seem a little less sad.

I don't get HBO, but did see that they are starting a new vampire mini series. I'll have to rent it from the library when it's released on dvd. I have a thing for cheap vampire stuff lately- seems to be the hot thing to be all up in and shit.