Friday, August 15, 2008

All right- so last night's post- I am feeling remorseful. And if I had my druthers and felt like it, I would just delete it. But I'll let it stand. I am just all anxietish and all that. It happens. With some regularity- I'll blame the lunar eclipse. Mainly because I don't have a concrete excuse.

On another note- I do not have a 6'7" arm span. And I don't swim for shit. There is your Olympic moment for the day. Bye then.

1 comment:

kim wells said...

It'll be o-tay. :)

Have you ever heard the joke about the guy who saw Bill Gates at a hotel and asked him if he would come by later and say hi to him while he was talking to an important client? So Gates says "Sure, I'll help out." So then the guy is talking to his client and Bill Gates walks up and says "Hi Jack, how are you?" and the guy says "Piss off Gates, I'm in a meeting."

You know. Making himself seem more important. I love that joke.

My kids are awesome swimmers. Where do you think the 2028 Olympics will be held? Cause we might be there. :)