Tuesday, July 08, 2008

We saw a blue man at the store. Not blue like the Vegas performers. That would be cheesy. This was a blue man. Like the idiots who ingest too much colloidal silver. It's stupid, really. If you turn blue, you were a dumbass. He was creepy. I didn't make eye contact. I have a feeling he is probably used to this reaction by now. If not, well, bummer dude. You drank too much colloidal silver.


Anonymous said...

was it that same guy that was making the CNN/Oprah circuit last month or so? and how the hell can one ingest too much colloidal silver?? or, rather, where does that come from?

zombieswan said...

Um, not to be too ignorant but I don't understand the appeal of injesting colloidal silver. I'm glad Swine is with me on this one cause otherwise I'd feel all stooopid. Now I have to go google it.

zombieswan said...

Thank you straight dope.

zombieswan said...


slyboots2 said...

Yeah, sorry bout that guys- I had intended to provide a link, and my computer crashed. And then I forgot. Seems I need colloidal silver or something. But not something that will turn me an ashen shade of grey.