Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Been quiet again, I know. It's just a phase in the moon. Or maybe something I ate. Still with the whole not anything to share period- just don't think of myself as all that interesting, and not up for ranting about anything. I read enough of those at work on the message boards- mostly about cars and racing. And it is a bit self-serving to complain- I did put myself on the boards, intentionally. And sometimes enjoy it. But there you have it.

Yesterday was my final PT for my shoulder. It is done. I have most of my mobility back, and what I don't have yet, I will get soon, or never- not all is necessary for fully functioning. I probably won't be spending much time doing sideplank position in Yoga, so there you have it, again. And yes, it bloody well did hurt. But it's like that. If it hurts, I did more of it. Because I thought it necessary. And it appeared to work. I am done a month early. Ha.

Kman had a road trip last weekend. He went on a drive with a passel of other BMW enthusiasts. He didn't take his old girl- she is currently disassembled in the garage- appears she has a slight oil leak. For a couple of decades. And my honey is nothing but a man for Sisyphean efforts. Stick a finger in that dike, son, it might slow the flow a bit.

And my current writing project is slowly taking over my life. I should be happy, but am a bit perplexed. There are characters in it who suddenly appeared, and one came back from the dead (where I put her in the last draft- seems she didn't want to die, after all.) Since when do they have a bloody choice? Appears when I write fiction, they get free range like the chickens. They say, "fuck you, we do what we want." And I oblige by recording it all. Fine. Be that way, then. And it it sucks, it won't be my fault.

And now I go to work. It's like that.


Anonymous said...

thelast paragraph, theone about writing..that's what happens sistah. it takes over your life; next thing you know, you wake up in the middle of then night arguing with all of them, screaming at them; they follow you everywhere, they're at work, waiting in the washroom...everywhere! i thought of you the other day when they showed that indy car accident from the 24-hr race (LeMans??). that was horrific; and the guy ends up w/a broken ankle?? wow! the safety "cage" in those things...amazing. amazing.

zombieswan said...

Alice Walker talked about being literally "possessed" sometimes by characters in the Color Purple.

Mine tend, so far, to be polite. But this summer, hopefully, they'll get rowdy.

slyboots2 said...

It was a LeMans car- and yes, they get airborne and scary shit happens. Check out the Alex Zanardi wreck in 2001 if you want the ultimate in nasty- got his legs sheared off. He did live, and is still racing. Love him.

And the characters are polite, but insistent. And things are percolating on a level I didn't suspect possible.
It helps that I have a co-worker who is working on his first novel, and there is remarkable similarity between what he is writing and my reality back in the day- scary, scary similarity when I think about it. And he didn't know me when he put all that together. Eeep.