Sunday, January 25, 2009

Had a rough week- and wasn't up to writing much.

Still like that- trying to follow the golden rule about nothing nice to say=keep your trap shut.

But it's hard. Nothing and no one rises to the occasion, and there are so many cracks in the firmament. All I want to do is point them out and fix them. But it's not my job. It's not within my capacity. And in some instances, it is none of my business.

So I keep it to myself, and let it roll. Figuring that I'll either get over it, or accept it, and move the hell on.

But it takes time.

And layoffs suck. Even when you get to stay. Mainly because there's not any guarantee that it'll last. Now both of us have experienced it, and neither of us is going to be much beyond hunker down mode for a while.

So, yeah. That's where it's at. January appears to be the culmination of a ton of crappy shit. Hope February goes a little further in the positive direction. Feh.


kim wells said...

Yeah, there's talk on campus of even more trouble to come. People worry and plot and they can't predict what will happen with the economy. For me, it's okay, cause my salary doesn't pay the bills. Andrew's got a job for at least another five years and then we also have other irons in the fire. But the whole reason I DON'T have a job and am sitting here in this place I may not be next Fall is because of him. So. :)

Stupid economic downturn. :p'

kim wells said...
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slyboots2 said...

No lie. And while I am told that I am safe, I can't take it all that seriously. No doubt some of the 800+ who got sacked from hereabouts felt safe once upon a time. I hate that.