Monday, August 09, 2010

I haven't spent a lot of time thinking about and dealing with redemption. But I got some this weekend and it was a sweet experience.

Back story: I have a sister with whom I have a very troubled history. She has more challenges to basically deal with life than I will ever imagine. But she is not a very pleasant person. Not even close. It is much like being with a thunder storm. About as peaceful, and the threat of explosion is constant.

This isn't a new situation in her life. It was that way for as long as I can remember. But my coping skills are much better. I had a very hard time with her when I was a teen. It was an ugly, volatile situation, and I have carried a ton of guilt about it since.

The redemption came in the form of a weekend visit. It was good to see her. And to see that she doesn't still push the buttons. And that her attempts to push those buttons hasn't changed. And to know that once upon a time, I didn't have the adult skills to deal with her rage and problems. That helps me forgive my own transgressions.

Better than a crapton of therapy.

And I can still deal with her. Just fine.

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