Monday, May 18, 2009

Going on a short vacation- home to be with family- and to do some family stuff. Don't know if I'll be online much (like that has really been a habit lately), but still. Will be there, not here. And out of the general work mayhem. They can take care of themselves for a week. It'll be good for them. Absence will make their hearts fonder. Or they'll think I screw up more than I do. We'll see. But first I need to figure out how to unhook my email updates to my phone. Because I will NOT be reading email from work. Uh uh.

1 comment:

bedmonster said...

Hope you're enjoying your time @ home doing family stuff!

Glad to hear you made the cut - I saw you still on Communicator and was heartened. ^_^ That friend of mine who shares your birthday didn't make it...they laid off 60% of her group and decided they didn't need an admin anymore. She's doing fine, though.

Want to see you soon!